Encores & Ability Scores

The Miserables | Part 1

Encores & Ability Scores Season 2 Episode 37

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June 1832- Paris. The city roils with tension: Famine and cholera grip a beleaguered populace. Industry transforms the labor force, and a burning anger for King Louis-Philippe and the ruling noble class festers in the hearts of the people. While traversing the streets of Paris, the party discovers whispers of rebellion against the monarchy led by two young idealists. Will the party stand with these revolutionaries to cast off the yoke of oppression, or expose their treason to safeguard the fragile order? Or perhaps they will forge their own path in the storm that is about to break... 

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EAAS is made up of:
Christian Leadley (Game Master) @deadlyleadley
Samantha Bowen @itssambowen
Grayson Bradshaw @graymonroe8
Hannah Record @_hannahlikeabanana_
Megan Magee @meganmageenyc

Thank you Cat @stiched_rabbit for our art work.

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