Encores & Ability Scores

The Miserables | Finale

Encores & Ability Scores Season 2 Episode 41

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TO THE BARRICADES! A guerrilla conflict between Javert and his Royalist police force and the Friends of the ABC, led by Marius and Enjolras, ensues. --How do you win a fight against a superior force? Spam Fireball of course. Dodge this, you filthy casuals. 

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EAAS is made up of:
Christian Leadley (Game Master) @deadlyleadley
Samantha Bowen @itssambowen
Grayson Bradshaw @graymonroe8
Hannah Record @_hannahlikeabanana_
Megan Magee @meganmageenyc

Thank you Cat @stiched_rabbit for our art work.

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